i'm not old


he tried

he really did

he did his best


#1 jessie kinnie™ she is my wife we are married
he/they !! check pronoun page pls [linked below !!!]

everyones collective older brother
i'm an IRL genius so
(my special interest is science)

✔ likes ✔
pokemon, vocaloid, atla, hp, wof, wc, penelope scott, animals, mha, reading, and some animes
✘ dislikes ✘
toxic ppl, mean people, country music, people who hate dogs and/or cats, wasps, pears, licorice
❌ dni ❌
antis of any of my likes, proshippers, nsfwtwt, shtwt, edtwt, lktwt, poppytwt, lolis/shotas, pedophiles, zoophiles, proshippers, basic dni criteria (homophobes, transphobes, ableist ppl, racist ppl, etc), i hold my cc's accountable :)twt and dttwt PLEASE DNI (current moots please DM me if you fit these criteria) and wilbur soot/lovejoy fans.
♡ moots ♡
cas, knife, jan
👶 my children 👶
kyrre (the favorite child), kyrre's cat moo, tanner, aang

i tweet a lot!! i main happytwt, bootwt, quacktwt, among others. i speak english and german (english is my first language). i cuss quite a bit. i am nonbinary transmasculine, bisexual, and on the aromantic spectrum(demiromantic). i'm 18
also I'm autistic lol
i am a bit older than some ppl on twt, so if that makes you uncomfy, no sweat!! because i am 18, i have a NSFW account. i will not be posting it's @. moots that are OVER 18, dm me if you want to know.
i'm trying to figure out college and shit so i can be really stressed out at times.

i am multifandom, and here is a list of subtwts/fandoms i am in.
-wings of fire
-HP (i DO NOT support JK Rowling!!)
-warrior cats